The Forum, Millennium Plain, Norwich, NR2 1TF
Save ornaments from landfill and have fun painting them. A free activity brought to the Festival by The Common Lot.
Don't be shy. Join in. All paints, pens and ornaments are provided.
The Common Lot are also bringing another free activity to the Festival on Thu 18 Apr, called Your Heart on Your Lapel... see link below.
If you have a good time, you might want to join the ceramics group that meets at 185 Drayton Road, Norwich, every Friday, between 10am and 12pm.
The Common Lot is a theatre collective making shows for, with and about the people of Norwich and is based at 185 Drayton Road. Pop in and find out more!
While all safety measures will be taken and advice given, you participate in free activities and workshops at your own risk.